Excellent customer service is mandatory but it is a key for a successful relationship between business and client.
Most definitions would describe customer service as a process or the act of taking care of customer’s needs and ensuring customer satisfaction. Customer service is an important part of a company’s strategy. But as Bruce Himelstein, a former chief marketing officer at The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company pointed out in his article Customer Service IS Your Brand! The Truth about Branding from a former Ritz-Carlton executive, customer service is not a goal to be completed. Excellent customer service is the very DNA of the company.
Customer service is the experience people get when they use your service. It is the impression that a customer forms in his or her mind upon hearing your company name or seeing your logo.
People always remember a great or a terrible customer service experience. Terrible customer experience could trump even the best product or service. And there is no value on average, forgettable customer service either. Excellent customer service is the only option for any company that wants to succeed.
How to provide excellent customer service?
Be accessible
Make it easy for customers to contact you. Customers contact a company because they need help or clarification. Difficulty in getting in touch with customer service can be a source of frustration for most customers. Provide all the means by which customers can contact you: phone, mobile, website, fax, email.
Be responsive
Answer customer requests as quickly as possible. Speed is important especially for customers who need something urgent. Even if the request cannot be processed right away, an acknowledgement that the request was received and will be processed within x number of hours or days will be appreciated. It will also prevent multiple requests and follow-ups from the same customer.
Customise your service according to your customers’ needs when possible
Knowing your customers’ preferences and history would enhance the interaction. Customers are more likely to return and recommend a company that makes them feel special and provides them with the exact service they need based on their history than a company that treats them like a stranger.
Use customer feedback to improve your service
After every transaction, ask your customer for their opinion of the service to gather feedback. It will not only make customers feel heard and appreciated but also more invested in your company. Invested customers can turn into valuable brand advocates. Providing a comment or a suggestion box will also encourage your clients to be more involved in your service and feel more personally connected to the company.
Win the customer, not the argument
It can be tempting to scream back when the customer is difficult and unreasonable, but your job is to help the customer, provide quality service and make sure that they will not go to the competitor. Never be pulled into an argument with them; stay calm, listen and make the customer feel heard and understood.
Correct the customer gently when they are wrong
Delivery is everything. Customers are NOT always right, but they always deserve the best possible treatment. Customers are smart and reasonable individuals, and they will understand if you try to calmly and honestly explain things to them. Do not be afraid to correct customers for it is in their best interest that we do so to ensure the accomplishment of the task requested.
Bureauserv Limited
Bureauserv believes that outsourcing customer service is the best way to go for small businesses.
As a provider of customer service, we make sure that we first apply these guidelines to our duties. We take care of our clients by making sure that all their demands are answered, and their feedback is accounted for. Our customer service team possess all these traits that can make the customer feel welcome and involved in the process of satisfying their need.
If you need assistance with your customer service, feel free to contact us at or leave a message.