Aside from the website design and development of Psychic Truth, Bureauserv also handles the search engine optimisation (SEO) and social media management of the telephone psychics business. As a business with audiences in America, Europe and Australia, Psychic Truth’s search engine optimisation and social media management would differ per continent. The keywords would be based on what people are searching for in their country, and the social media posts would be about the behaviour of the local audience.
As providers of digital marketing services, we offered full SEO and social media support to Psychic Truth. This consisted of on-page and off-page organic SEO as well as social media management in primary social platforms. We have also started on paid advertisement through Adwords and boosting posts in social media.
Organic Search Engine Optimisation
Organic search engine optimisation is necessary to get a website found online. A website must meet the requirements of a search engine – like Google, Yahoo or Bing, to get recognised and rank among these search result pages. By using SEO keywords – or words or phrases that are most commonly searched for by users in these search engines, a website can be recognised and rank among its competitors.
For Psychic Truth’s on-page SEO, we have used the SEO keywords wisely by not just scattering the words or phrases all over the pages, but by constructing sensible sentences that all connect to make informative statements which answer the questions that people are searching for in their search queries. We also made sure to use the proper keywords in completing the meta titles and the meta descriptions of each page and post so that audiences will not be misled about the contents of the Psychic Truth websites. We have also categorised and tagged the pages and posts to properly label and sort them.
For Psychic Truth’s off-page SEO, we made sure to create a Google My Business profile for the brand and have each of their locations pinned on Google Maps. We made sure to complete their Google profile and add the services that their offer so that it will be easier for people looking for psychic services to see Psychic Truth. To keep their page active and up to date, we also do weekly posts on their Google My Business account.
Aside from Google My Business, we also do off-page SEO by creating accounts and regularly posting on online social blogging platforms like Medium and Tumblr. We also make sure that all these posts point back to the Psychic Truth websites so that they create good backlinks and the people can be pointed to the source of information. Lastly, to continue getting the Psychic Truth brand out there, we also submit the websites to credible website listings and business directories relevant to the country of their origin. By doing this, we believe, that more audiences will be familiarised with the Psychic Truth brand and their services.
Social Media Management
Social media has become one of the best ways to reach a local audience. The various features that they offer also makes it possible for businesses to promote their products and services, and especially their brand especially through image and video marketing. For Psychic Truth’s social media plan, we have started by studying the local market of the US, UK and AU so that we’ll know what kinds of posts the audience wants to see. From there, we have also started creating various social media pages for the brand so that by the time the websites are finished, the brand has already reached a good amount of people in their target market.
Since the target market of Psychic Truth are young adults from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Ireland, and Singapore, it’s necessary that we create social media accounts on various platforms that are widely used in these places. The key to good social media is the relationship that the brand makes with its audience. To achieve this, posts must be consistent and relatable so that the audience can like, share and comment – as well as entice them to create an action such as clicking on a link to visit the website. For Psychic Truth, the posts we do all use SEO keywords that all link back to the Psychic Truth websites. We also use appropriate hashtags and add a location to the posts so that we’ll reach the target audience. Lastly, we make sure to interact with the audience by answering the comments and the messages that they send in through the social media pages.
Currently, Psychic Truth are on these social media platforms:
Paid Advertisements
With the help of our partner company, Click Consult, we have recently engaged with Google Adwords to help usher more impressions and clicks to ongoing promotions of Psychic Truth. After studying the local market, we advertise popular SEO keywords that are relevant to the Psychic Truth business. To capitalise on special dates – like Valentine’s Day, we make sure to create enticing landing pages for the paid advertisements that will open to these pages. Aside from Adwords, image and video marketing to the Google Network are also being carefully planned and will be applied in the future.
To aid in attracting psychic readers from the US, we have also engaged in paid Instagram advertisements which have generated good results based on the number of reader applications Psychic Truth was able to receive. Boosting posts in both Instagram and Facebook are also in the works for Psychic Truth for the future.